Movies, October 2010

*** Never let me go
*** 30 Rock, Seasons 2 and 3

Boy, is this all I watched in October? I guess I watched a lot of 30 Rock, which continued to be funny. Never let me go was good. I haven’t read the book, but I knew a tiny bit about the story (i.e. the basic premise); I wish I had gone into the movie knowing nothing at all, so that the truth of what was going on could have dawned on me more surprisingly. As it was, knowing a little, it still came clear to me in a nicely gradual way. Anyway, one interesting thing about this movie is that its basic science-fiction premise is used to set up an interesting emotional situation in which to explore some characters. If the movie is true to the book anyway, the author has zero interest in exploring the premise technically and little interest in exploring it on a larger political or social level, except insomuch as exploring its effect on individual people reflects on its broader significance. I enjoy techie science fiction, but this was totally fine with me, because the characters were interesting and well-played, and it was moving to follow their lives.