optic: lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyfbRz4ObFY
optic: love that scene
luna: gary oldman rules
luna: i especially loved gary oldman in the fifth element
optic: i felt like his role in leon and his role in the fifth element were pretty much the same role with slightly different props
optic: who is dumb enough to make a nefarious deal with a giant ever-expanding maw of pure dark evil chaos
optic: or whatever
optic: i mean, how can that possibly end well
luna: agrd
optic: if i ever am running my own company and need to call an all-hands meeting, im using gary oldman
optic: depending on how much money the company has, possibly the actual in-flesh gary oldman
luna: i would use alan rickman
luna: now i have a machine gun. ho-ho.
luna: best line ever?
Author: mike
Books, December 2010
*** Drew Magary – Men with Balls
** Michael Tunison – The Football Fan’s Manifesto
I started reading the football blog Kissing Suzy Kolber a few years ago. It’s really more of a humor blog that takes football as its material than an actual football blog, though you might occasionally learn something about football by accident. Anyway, it’s pretty funny and a couple of the founders have written books, both of which I read this month. Magary’s book is a guidebook for the professional athlete, full of advice about how to manage your fame and fortune. It’s pretty funny, an entertaining way to pass some time, though not really as funny as his best stuff on KSK and Deadspin. Tunison’s book is a guide to being a fan, also funny but with, I think, a serious core — I’m pretty sure he believes in some of his rules and disdains those who don’t. Anyway, I didn’t find his book nearly as funny (again, not as good as his work on the blog) — somewhat predictable humor and some setups with disappointing punchlines.
Books, November 2010
*** Josh Lieb – I am a Genius of Unspeakable Evil and I Want to be Your Class President
*** Stefan Fatsis – A Few Seconds of Panic
*** Carlos Ruiz ZafoÌn – The Shadow of the Wind
Class President was pretty fun, The main character’s evilness is well played out, and I like the gradual reveal of the depths of his villainy. I was, however, a little disappointed with the ending (no spoilers!). The Fatsis book was also pretty good, at least if you’re interested in Football. I found a lot of the details and the personal relationships interesting, though I thought the book was just a little too long. The Zafon book was one of those, what do you call it, literary mystery-thriller type things. You know, mysterious goings-on surrounding books and writing. It was pretty good, nothing earth-shattering, but an entertaining time, basically a sort of well-written literary gothic-romance. And of course Barcelona makes a great setting.
Movies, November 2010
Seriously, I need to do more movie-watching than just plowing through TV seasons on Netflix streaming. Anyway, 30 Rock continued to be good, and I’m looking forward to 5 and 6 coming out on Netflix.
Movies, October 2010
*** Never let me go
*** 30 Rock, Seasons 2 and 3
Boy, is this all I watched in October? I guess I watched a lot of 30 Rock, which continued to be funny. Never let me go was good. I haven’t read the book, but I knew a tiny bit about the story (i.e. the basic premise); I wish I had gone into the movie knowing nothing at all, so that the truth of what was going on could have dawned on me more surprisingly. As it was, knowing a little, it still came clear to me in a nicely gradual way. Anyway, one interesting thing about this movie is that its basic science-fiction premise is used to set up an interesting emotional situation in which to explore some characters. If the movie is true to the book anyway, the author has zero interest in exploring the premise technically and little interest in exploring it on a larger political or social level, except insomuch as exploring its effect on individual people reflects on its broader significance. I enjoy techie science fiction, but this was totally fine with me, because the characters were interesting and well-played, and it was moving to follow their lives.
Books, October 2010
** William Gibson – Spook Country
** Jonathon Swift – Gulliver’s Travels
Thinking about Spook Country and Pattern Recognition, I kind of got them mixed up into one story that somehow involved Cayce Pollard and the footage and a mysterious shipping container but, oh yeah, I read Spook Country in October and that’s where the shipping container came from. The shipping container mystery sure was pretty interesting until we actually found out that it was zzzzzzzzzz. Whatsername, Hollis, was an okay character, but like Cayce she seemed sort of cool and shiny and not very connected with the reader at all. I don’t feel like I know them or anyone else in these books. And in terms of interesting moments and general reading pleasure, this one fell short of Pattern Recognition. I’ll still keep reading Gibson, but it’s been a while since the arrival of a new Gibson book was an “omg must have” moment.
I will probably get attacked for this (or would if anyone read my blog), but I found Gulliver’s Travels, on my first rereading since high school, to be pretty boring and flat. I know that Swift is supposed to be a master of satire (and yes, the eating babies thing is still funny), but the satire and social insight stuff supposedly found in this book is lame in the extreme. Oh, people are self important however big or small they are! People disagree over silly things and will kill over them! Were these observations shocking even when Swift made them? Some of Swift’s imagining of how Gulliver would interact with people so large or so small (sorry, I got bored by the end of the Brobdingnag section and skipped the rest) was fun to read.
Movies, September 2010
** True Blood, Season 3
*** 30 Rock, Season 1
*** Firefly
Wow this was a long time ago. I’ve been really remiss in my book and movie reviews. Uh, True Blood was all right but I started to get annoyed with a lot of the characters. And I got kind of tired of what’s-his-name, the vampire king of Mississippi. Just like in season 2, when the whole thing was taken over by the dumb Maryann storyline, I felt like too much attention was paid to one “big bad”. Will probably get sucked into season 4 regardless though.
Hey, 30 Rock is funny. This is news to no one but me. But I started watching it with season one and have now been through every single episode available. Thank you, Netflix streaming.
I was really looking forward to watching and enjoying Firefly again, but I started and wasn’t motived to continue, not right then anyway, when there was 30 Rock to be watched. Maybe later.
Books, September 2010
** F. Scott Fitzgerald – The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
*** Robert E. Howard – Three Conan stories (The Scarlet Citadel, The Pool Of The Black One, The Tower Of The Elephant)
** Jules Verne – 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea
*** Fritz Leiber – The Best Of Fritz Leiber
*** Fritz Leiber – Swords and Deviltry
*** William Gibson – Pattern Recognition
** Oscar Wilde – The Picture Of Dorian Gray
September was the month I finally started to explore ebooks. I tried the Kindle and Aldiko apps on my phone, reading a variety of free stuff (Fitzgerald, Verne, Howard), and then I ended up getting a Kindle for my birthday (thanks, Mom and Dad!). The phone app is usable for short amounts of time. I like the Kindle pretty well, though it’s a little awkward if you get bored with a book and want to skim. Also, I think my tolerance for boring stuff is lower in ebook format (and even lower in the phone app) — I’m not sure if I would have enjoyed 20,000 Leagues more on paper (or even on the Kindle, which I hadn’t gotten yet).
I was curious to read Benjamin Button; I didn’t actually see the movie, but I wanted to read the story behind it. There’s not much to this short story aside from its strange premise and some good jokes. The movie must have had to make up basically an entirely new story to give the audience something to get interested in. The story was fine, but more of a one-off joke or thought experiment than anything emotionally involving.
I’ve been wanting to reread some good, old fantasy stuff lately, and both Howard’s Conan and Leiber’s Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser were on the list. I found several Conan stories free on Aldiko and enjoyed reading them. They’re entertaining reads and written in a lively way, but a little too dependent on the ol’ telling rather than showing. Howard does a lot of what I think of as the Lovecraft move: he tells you something is unspeakable, indescribable, evil, perverse, etc., rather than explaining it in such a way that it makes your skin truly crawl. Still, for all that, there’s a lot of good description and action going on; I’d like to read more Conan and more of Howard’s other writing.
20,000 Leagues was pretty good but required heavy skimming. I believe I read this and some other Verne when I was young, but didn’t remember much in detail. There was a lot of zoology and other nature detail that I wasn’t that interested in, and a lot of attempted scientific explanations that were not unreasonable at the time but seem kind of silly now. Nothing against Verne per se, but I would have preferred a little more adventure storytelling and a little less scientific (or pseudo-scientific) detail. I suspect I’d have a similar reaction to a lot of his other books, though I will probably try some more, since they’re free on the Kindle.
Fritz Leiber is really good. I enjoyed his “Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser” books as a kid (handed down from my father, who loves them too) but hadn’t read anything else of his. All of the short stories I read in these two volumes were pretty good; my only complaint is I’d like more novels, since I often find the short story form a little lacking. I want something involved that I can sink my teeth into.
Pattern Recognition was pretty good. It was a little silly and one of those author-wish-fulfillment (“omg how cool is my main character, right?”) type things. For all that, I kind of enjoyed Cayce’s weird phobias and talents, and the way a community people grew up around the mysterious footage. The resolution wasn’t particularly satisfying or interesting though. An enjoyable read, but I’ve already forgotten most of it (as I did after the first time I read it) except for a few nice details.
You know, the modern image of Oscar Wilde is a guy going around spouting off witticisms (e.g. this) which is pretty much what I pictured. What I didn’t realize is pretty much all of those Wildean witticisms (okay, a lot of them anyway) are from the first couple chapters of Dorian Gray. I mean, I read it in high school, but who remembers that stuff? Dorian Gray was pretty good, if a bit melodramatic. You will get tired very quickly of some of the more emotional characters and their interminably yip-yap. But hey witticisms, corruption, sex, drugs, and scandal, am I right?
Bye-bye Books
I purged a bunch of stuff off the shelves. Of course, not everything I got rid of is something I didn’t like — I just figure it can remain part of my virtual library without having to take up real space. And of course, some of the stuff I got rid of I’ve already forgotten and hope to never think about again. Here are a few that stay in the virtual library.
*** Walter Gropius – The New Architecture and the Bauhaus. I took a modern architecture class in college, for which this was one of the textbooks. I love modern architecture, both the good and the bad, both the successes and the magnificent failures, and I love the Bauhaus. I kept this so long mostly as a reminder of that.
*** Julian Barnes – Talking it Over. This was the book that taught me terms like “crepuscular” and “rebarbatively quotidian”. It’s also one of the first “unreliable narrator” books I remember really noticing and appreciating. Its Rashomon-like structure makes for some very funny bits. I may even want to reread this one again someday (though I somehow never connected that much with other of his books), but had gotten kind of tired of it.
** Milorad Pavic – Dictionary of the Khazars. One of the few books that survived the wax and wane of my interest in experimental fiction. I read a lot of gimmicky books for a while there, and this was one of the few in which I thought the gimmick (story told in a series of encyclopedia entries in multiple conflicting encyclopedias, and the user must do his own cross-referencing) had something to it. Though as often happens, the decent gimmick was somewhat wasted on a story that wasn’t itself that compelling (see e.g. Timecode).
*** Roald Dahl – My Uncle Oswald. I love Roald Dahl, but Uncle Oswald isn’t really one of his better inventions.
*** Dorris Dorrie – Love, Pain, and the Whole Damn Thing. I really liked this book sometime in the 90s (and the lovely Edward Gorey cover on my edition), but I just didn’t think I’d want to read it again.
Leo Marks – Between Silk and Cyanide. Already reviewed.
Charles Yu – Third Class Superhero. Already reviewed.
Patrick Neate – City of Tiny Lights. Already reviewed.
Patrick Suskind – Perfume
Jeffrey Steingarten – The Man Who Ate Everything
Georges Perec – Life A User’s Manual. I mostly enjoyed this. It was left behind by an ex-girlfriend.
Movies, July 2010
*** City Lights
*** True Blood, Season 2
**** Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day
*** I Am Love
I don’t really have much to add to the reams of ink and bits that have presumably been spilled praising Charlie Chaplin, except to say that I liked this movie pretty well. As with many movies this old, it sometimes was a little silly or a little slow for my modern attention span, but otherwise thumbs up.
I didn’t intend to watch True Blood with E, but I somehow got sucked in and watched most of Season 2. I thought it was mostly good, except I ended up getting very tired of the whole Maryann storyline. It just didn’t really make dramatic sense — she was far too powerful to have been around for thousands of years without anyone noticing, since she could basically go anywhere and make anyone do anything she wanted. Come on. Plus, she got really annoying.
I think I’ve said it before, but I think Miss Pettigrew is pretty much a perfect movie. It’s not big in scope or anything, but just about everything in it is perfect, and everyone and everything is so damn appealing.
E and I really liked I Am Love, in spite of its unsubtle symbolism and drama (and its sometimes intrusively overly-obvious music). The main reason, of course, is Tilda Swinton, who is usually amazing and was definitely here. She is simply a pleasure to watch.