** The Horse’s Mouth
*** Body Heat
*** Rainbow Kids (Daiyukai)
*** Anvil: the Story of Anvil
I thought The Horse’s Mouth oscillated between somewhat entertaining, boring, and annoying. That does not make for an enjoyable time, especially when you keep thinking of better ways you could spend your two hours. I don’t know if we were just supposed to enjoy Alec Guinness’s character’s antics, or if it was meant to express something universal about the artistic temperament or something, but snuh. Also, the fake voice, meh.
Hey Body Heat that was a pretty good noir thriller. It being a noir, you pretty much know the general outline of how it’s going to go, but it was fun getting there.
I don’t remember where I heard of Rainbow Kids, but it was a very pleasant little surprise. The story involves a trio of inept kidnappers who kidnap an old lady who turns out to be rich, powerful, and much smarter than they. She takes over the kidnapping and orchestrates it the way she wants, and a good time is had by all.
Anvil was awesome. The obvious comparison is Spinal Tap (but real!) but it reminded me more of American Movie, the documentary about the guy desperate to make his horror movie “Coven”. This one had a similar flavor (absolute dedication to their art, a certain midwesternness, loved ones who are both supportive and exasperated). American Movie’s Mark Borchardt, though, was kind of an asshole, single-minded in his pursuit. These guys are a bit more gentle (in spite of being the demigods of Canadian metal), and some of the best scenes come when they fight and make up.