
optic: lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vNxjwt2AqY
optic: i am starting to get a vision of my future life that is both weird and comical
cnote: that is pretty adorable
cnote: you should do videos like that too
optic: sure
luna: i wish i could be entertained for 4 hours like that
optic: agreed
cnote: it’s basically teh same thing we do with the internet
luna: i think he looks like he’s having way more fun than us
cnote: agrd

Why So Glum, Chum?

What’s the fuss, gus?
What’s the trouble, bubble?
Why so mean, bean?
Why the hissy, missy?
Why the squirmin, herman?
Why the wiggles, giggles?

The Elusive AWOO

At about 6-8 weeks, Nora’s main mode of expression was still crying; she didn’t have many other sounds in her vocabulary. Around that time, she got a cold or something and was stuffed up for a while and started sneezing. She’d often sneeze a couple of times and then try to sneeze again but miss, instead emitting a super loud AWOO sound which was hilarious. It was the first non-crying sound we’d heard her make and pretty much the cutest thing we’d ever heard (probably not the last time I’ll say that). We kept trying to catch it on video but never succeeded. And now, at three months, she’s figured out how to sneeze without accidentally saying AWOO (though she makes similar sounds along with her growing vocabulary of coos and shrieks) and we’re afraid we’ll never hear it again. The elusive AWOO is sort of like the sound at about 0:43 of this video, except it actually sounds like she is saying “AWOO!”